Friday, April 13, 2012

When Nostalgia Strikes, I hunt for Boston Cream Cupcakes.

One of those things which keep coming back to me whenever I think of the good things that happened in my past, is the memory of sitting in Tim Hortons every single day and sipping on Cafe Mocha with Boston Cream Doughnuts. Many a life altering decisions have been taken while having those. Unfortunately, none of the same standards are available in India, the closest match being The Black and White Bavarian Donut at Mad Over Donuts (which I hate).

Recently, a Twitter friend who is sweet enough to send me pictures of awesome food from world over sent me a picture of these Boston Cream Cupcakes. If anything, they are probably better than the Doughnuts 'coz they are not deep fried.

So I decided to finally bake them for the second time yesterday, for last week I just baked the cupcakes and before they were filled and frosted, they were all gone. But it was also not completely successful last week as I did not sieve my dry ingredients in a hurry and there were some cupcakes which tasted sour thanks to lumps.

I managed to shoo everyone away and fill them, frost them and let them rest for a bit. I actually made them as something I would want to pose with, for a Twitter project, by a super talented guy named Roycin D'Souza, who runs it by the project Tweeter-A-Day-365 (Check out his awesome Flickr stream here). He asked me to be a part of it thanks to this blog of mine which is slowly gaining popularity. I will upload my picture when he puts it up, but for now, here are the badges he gave me as a Souvenir.

After a crazy evening of going to the beach for the shoot, to getting late, to the Sun going down and the beach getting crowded, to finding a spot in the nooks and crannies of Juhu, me, Roycin and Captain Awesome (another friend of mine) had an awesome time clicking pictures.

Here's my pic :)

Check out more pics here

 And then it was time for Cupcakes!

A full 10/10 on texture as well as taste, they are nothing less than a party in your mouth. And for a person like me, listening to people making Orgasm noises while eating them is the proudest moment and pretty much makes my day! Biting into these is like biting into sponges of Heaven, and no one would expect a burst of custard in their mouth when they look at these Dark Chocolate Ganache laden beauties!

Recipe from can be found here.

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